Faith comes through hearing God’s Word; therefore, our intention must be to share God’s message to the world!
Faith comes through hearing God’s Word; therefore, our intention must be to share God’s message to the world!
When we do not know what to say, the Spirit prays for us with groaning unable to be expressed by language.
Despite his questions and misstep, however, Abraham did believe God – and he did not waver in his belief that God would keep his promise.
We should not be hasty in attributing sinfulness to those who suffer or godliness to those who achieve success in life.
Our confidence is not found in our goodness, but rather in that by grace through faith God has redeemed and renewed us; therefore, our changed life is evidence of God’s grace.
Will we choose to respond to setbacks and difficulty in life with the same hope and faith in God displayed by Job?
Living in the center of God’s will does not necessarily mean “success”, an easy life, the favor of those around you, and security.
Singing in the pain keeps our spirit sweet, demonstrates trust in our Heavenly Father, and robs our enemy of any joy he might feel in inflicting harm upon God’s people.