An angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, but throughout this conversation, the LORD himself spoke with Gideon.
An angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, but throughout this conversation, the LORD himself spoke with Gideon.
This church is a great example of disciple-making. These believers were disciples by the example of Paul as he taught them how to follow Jesus and then discipled others by their example of faith.
In both times of plenty and times in which we have little, we can thrive through the power of Christ.
God gives us all we need to be used of him. And, through his power, we can have a powerful ministry to others.
A determination to follow God’s Word is not enough. Asking insightful questions is not enough. We must be careful to seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance.
Has the Church today forfeited God’s power, blessing, and wisdom because we have tolerated sin in the camp?