The test of belief


John 8:30–31 (ESV): 30 As he was saying these things, many believed in him. 31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,


This paragraph was begun by Jesus saying he is the light of the world. The Pharisees challenged him, asking for testimonials that he was telling the truth. Jesus pointed to his own testimony and that of his Father. Jesus continued to speak, clearly intimating that God is his father, but no one tried to arrest him.

Jesus then began to speak of his death, resurrection and ascension and the authority by which he spoke. Many were convinced by Jesus’ confidence and believed in him. But Jesus immediately challenged their faith. By the end of chapter 9, many had rejected Jesus, unwilling to recognize their spiritual blindness.


Not everyone’s faith is necessarily tested so strongly so quickly, but this story should be a good lesson to us: faith in God is more than agreeing with Jesus because what he says sounds good and wonderful.

The people who initially believed appear to have been convinced by the persuasiveness of his speech, by his self-confidence in his purpose before God, by the pleasant sound of what Jesus proposed. But when they stopped to consider the ramifications of what it would mean to trust in Jesus – humility before God, submission to the Son of God – they balked.

Are we truly willing to accept Christ, knowing it means surrender to his will and the death of our pride?


Heavenly Father, may I never be offended at your call upon my life. I recommit myself to your will and your way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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